
Showing posts from November, 2017



Lost In The World

What is the general premise of the video? The general premise of this video was that society is too caught up with their phones to notice what is going on around them. All people want to do is take videos and share them with no emotion. Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message? Yes, the video is effective in conveying the message. There was people hurting others and harassing others. At some points people were too distracted by their phones and at other points they just filmed what was happening, but did nothing to stop it. Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why? I think it is a warning, but it is an examination of our current society to some extent. The video does exaggerate the current situation, but our society is close to the society in the video. People are still standing back and filming the bad things.

Animated Gifs


Think Before You Post

A) What trend was the article highlighting? Several applicants are posting to social media and affecting their chance of acceptance. The people that are going through the applications are finding what the applicants are posting, whether its good or bad. B) Do you think this trend will continue?   Why? The current applicants are heavily involved in social media. Although some could learn about what is happening and watch what they post, there are still going to be those who think it has no real affect on their future. C) Explain how the behavior outlined in the article could affect a student’s future education and employment opportunities. Through posts on social media, you can be displayed as unprofessional to the college you want to go to and the job you want to have. Social media is a representation of you displayed for everyone to see. With bad information displayed, comes effects on your future.

Art Generators

picassohead: This is the generator found on my own. You were not able to draw your own lines, they were all provided. However, you were able to change the color and size of the items. v iscosity: With this generator, I created a piece with angles and dimensions. At the beginning, the are was just a rectangle, but you use the different tools to manipulate to a different shape. victor taba: This generator produced art wherever you put your mouse. I took a few screenshots as everything appeared to get this image, but I was not able to pause it and get the exact picture I wanted. thisissand: This generator uses sand to create art. You are able to change the color and then you just hold down with your mouse to make sand fall to the bottom of the screen.