1. Quality of Work I think that since the beginning of the year my quality of work has improved. For the first few assignments my approach was with simplistic art. More recently, I added additional elements to my art. Although they are small adjustments, they take my art to the next level. For example, in my American Gothic design I used the pen tool to outline the art and then used the pen tool to create shapes to but as a background. I feel like that was going further than I had to. It was definitely had more quality than some of my original ideas for that assignment. 2. Effort At the beginning of the year I would usually just start a project without a plan. However, I have found that if I plan out my ideas they turn out better. When starting some pieces I sometimes have a vague idea, but without additional planning it can take a lot of time to make it work. I think that looking at others work, giving critiques, and receiving critiques definitely helped me im...